Terms of Use
- 1. Preamble
The terms of use of the services provided through the search engine and website located at the web address www.skroutz.gr (hereinafter "Website") by the company SKROUTZ S.A. (hereinafter "Company") with TIN number 800863970 and General Commercial Registry number 143321901000 are hereby defined.
Lawful use of the services provided implies the unconditional acceptance of the terms hereof and your compliance during the use of these services with the applicable Greek legislation governing such transactions. Acceptance of the present terms of use does not in any way imply the conclusion of any form or relationship of employment, cooperation or partnership with the Company.
The Company does not hereby guarantee continuous, uninterrupted and secure access to the services of the Website, since its operation may be affected by external factors beyond its control.
The operation of the "Shopping Cart" service provided by the Company is governed by additional terms and conditions, which have been published here and which form an integral part of the present terms of use.
- 2. Privacy
Our Privacy Policy describes how the Company manages the data of users of its services . As described in the Privacy Policy, the collection and further processing of this data is necessary, both in the context of the use of the services provided by the Company and for other legitimate purposes detailed in our Privacy Policy.
The management and protection of the personal data of the visitors, users and members of the Website is governed by these terms, the Skroutz Privacy Policy as well as the relevant provisions of Greek and European legislation. In any case, the Company reserves the right to amend the terms of protection of personal data, within the framework of the applicable legislation.
The Website, as well as some partner stores, also use small text files (cookies) whose function and purposes of use are described in detail in our Cookie Policy.
The Website never deletes the personal data of the members in any case, even in case they are members who have been banned from using its services. Permanent deletion from the Website's database may only be carried out at the request of the member and in compliance with the principle of security of transactions, so as to ensure the reliability of the system. Members who wish to be informed about their personal data held by the Website, about their permanent deletion from the Website's database, or members who wish to exercise any of their rights provided by law, in accordance with the Skroutz Privacy Policy, should submit a respective request by sending an e-mail to [email protected] using the email with which they have registered on the Website, including their full name and phone number, which should match the data registered in the Website's database for identification purposes.
- 3. Access to the Website and membership registration
Prerequisite for the participation of users and registered members of the Website and for the use of the Company's services is the acceptance of these terms of use, which have been drawn up in accordance with the Greek legislation, as in force. In case of violation of any of these terms, the Company reserves the right to exclude users or delete members of the Website at any time. The user may sign up as a member of the Website by registering and confirming his/her email address and selecting a password.
The information that users provide to the Company or to other members either when registering as a member or when posting on the Website's forum is defined as "personal data and information". Personal data and information shall meet the following requirements:
- They must not be false, inaccurate or misleading.
- They must not lead directly or indirectly to the deception of third parties or aim at the sale of products, the disposal of which is contrary to the legislation in force.
- They must not contravene the provisions of existing Greek and European legislation, including provisions relating to exports, consumer protection, unfair competition, discrimination or misleading advertising, protection of intellectual or industrial property, trade secrets or personality rights.
- They must not contain viruses, trojans, worms, time bombs or cancel bots or any other program code that may cause intentional damage or data loss to both members'/visitors' computers and the system in general, nοr lead to loss of resources or services or functions of the Website or the Company in part or in whole related to our connection providers or other partners.
- They must not refer directly or indirectly to products or services that are expressly prohibited herein.
In order to ensure the correct use of the information provided by users to the Company and to avoid possible violations related to the content of this information, we control and further process this information. The Company is committed to processing this information in accordance with the present terms of use.
Access and use of the services of the Website must be in accordance with these terms of use. The use of any method to monitor the Website or copy part or all of its operating mechanism or content is not permitted without the prior written permission of the Company. In particular, the use of any program or other method of interference with the operating mechanism of the Website or any entry contained therein is prohibited. Any action that overloads or misuses the search engine of the Website and its technological infrastructure is also prohibited. It is noted that a significant part of the content of the Website belongs to the members or partners of the Company and is used with permission. Therefore, copying, modifying, paraphrasing or reposting content of the Website is prohibited without the prior written permission of the Company.
The Company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently prohibit the use of its services to any user of the Website who, at the Company's sole discretion, does not comply with these Terms of Use or the applicable legislation. The Company may exercise this right in cases of use of abusive or insulting expressions by the user towards Company employees, of provision of incorrect registration data or unauthorized use of means of payment. If a member is suspended or prohibited from using the services of the Website, he/she may not sign-up or use the services of the Website again without the prior written consent of the Company.
- 4. Service operation
The information retransmitted by the Website to its users about the products displayed on the Website by category is of a purely informative nature and purpose and is constantly updated and modified with a maximum frequency of 2 hours (at the discretion of the store) or 24 hours in any other case. The Company shall not be liable in any case for compensation or remedy for any direct or indirect loss and positive or consequential damage, even future damage, which may be caused by this information.
The Website provides direct access to other websites and/or e-mail addresses, on whose content it cannot intervene and therefore bears no responsibility whatsoever, nor provides any guarantee whatsoever for their content. Furthermore, the Website is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information transmitted as described above, as this is information found on other websites and collected either by the manufacturers of these products or information transmitted by the online stores that offer them for sale.
The Company recommends that the users of the Website consult the corresponding product page of the online stores, as well as that of the manufacturers, in order to verify the accuracy of the information obtained and to be informed more extensively regarding the characteristics of the product of their choice.
The appearance of the search results (product - price - store) depends on the correct use of keywords, as well as on the description of the product from the online stores and the Website. When searching using search filters rather than keywords, users should compare the characteristics of the products displayed with those listed in the online stores and on the product manufacturers' pages.
It should be noted that many products available either in stores abroad or in local stores that trade products from abroad are very likely to differ in characteristics from those intended for the Greek market and in some cases may not be accompanied by instructions for use in Greek as well as by Greek software.
It is clarified that the services provided by the Company to users involve a significant technological, organizational and other business cost for the Company. However, the Company has chosen that these costs are not borne by the users, but by the stores, according to specific, as fair as possible, calculations of monetary commission, based on the visits or purchases made by users on the stores' websites, following their redirection to them from the Website. The correct and accurate calculation of the above-mentioned commission is a necessary economic element of the use of the Company's services by users, in the context of the contractual relationship established between the Company and users through the use of these services, in accordance with these terms and conditions. To this end and in order to serve this transactional relationship in accordance with what is set forth in the contract between us, it is necessary that the Company collects purchase data from users' navigation on the Website and in partner stores, including through technological solutions such as cookies.
- 5. Store Reviews
In order to be able to review a store, users must be registered and certified by the certification system of the Website. The certification concerns each user individually and is carried out by sending an SMS to their mobile phone, which should be registered on the Skroutz website by the user. The confirmation process takes place only when the user submits his/her first review and is valid for each subsequent review.
The reviews posted on the Website, whether negative or positive, should necessarily relate to a transaction of the user who posts (or submits) them, be accompanied by a valid proof of payment number or order number, so that it is possible to confirm at any time the transaction with the respective store. Reviews that do not describe the reason for the review or only contain a characterization of the store or describe the ordering/purchasing experience in a particularly simple manner will be automatically deleted from the Website or will be rephrased by their editors upon the Company's request.
The Company and the administrators of the Website reserve the right, in accordance with the Privacy Policy, to request from the user further information in order to post the respective review (indicatively, a photocopy of a proof of payment, order email etc.). If the user does not provide this information within a reasonable period of time from the date requested, the review will be considered invalid and will be deleted from the Website.
All negative reviews (Rating less than or equal to 3/5) are communicated to the store that they concern. The store managers have the right within 3 days to respond describing the facts from their point of view, so that other users and visitors of the Website are informed of both opinions. In all user reviews as well as in the responses of the shops, it is not allowed to refer to the names and surnames of users or employees of companies, nor is it allowed to use criminal insults, slander or libel. In the event that such phenomena are observed, the Company and the administrators of the Website reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to either delete the reviews and responses or to delete part of the text, informing the editor of any amendments where deemed necessary, or to contact the editors of these reviews in order to inform them that an amendment in the text is required for its posting on the Website, pointing out the offending parts.
All reviews and responses should respect the informal good behavior manners of the Internet. Reviews or responses that are written in capital letters (capital letters on the internet indicate a conversation in a particularly loud voice) or expressed in Greek but using the English letters (paradeigma) will be ignored by the Website administrators and will be deleted from the system.
Each user has the right to review each store only once (1) per transaction/proof of payment. In case a user submits more than one review for the same store relating to the same order, the additional reviews will be automatically deleted from the reviews page. When writing their reviews, users should be very detailed about their experience, giving as much information as possible. Regarding negative reviews in particular, texts based solely on verbal conversations and texts exchanged between the parties, texts that are disputed with no written evidence certifying their legitimacy (e-mail correspondence etc.) will not be accepted. At the same time, after the completion of the process of a negative review, i.e.: a) the drafting by the user, b) the approval by the administrators and sending to the store for response, c) the response by the store, d) the posting of the review and administrators’ response, e) the evaluation of the response by the review’s editor, no further action is permitted by the system for this particular review to any of the parties (user’s reply to store’s response, amendment of review etc).
Only the editor of a review has the right to delete its review without a specific reason and provided that it does not violate the terms hereof. The member should log in to the account from which he/she submitted the store review and find the specific store review he/she wishes to delete. To find it, in his/her account, he/she will select 'Reviews' and then 'Store Reviews'. After finding the review, from the menu, he/she may choose to remove the review.
Positive reviews from the owner or employee of a store or an external partner of the store to his/her store or negative reviews from the owner or employee of a store to another store (not accompanied by evidence, proof of payment, order form, etc.) are considered invalid and are immediately deleted from the Website. Moreover, such actions violate clause 3.2.3 on misleading the consumer and may lead to the deletion of the store from the Website.
It is highlighted that for the calculation of the average rating of each store, only the reviews that have been submitted by users on the Website during the last twelve (12) months and have been accompanied by a valid proof of payment number or order number are taken into account, whether these reviews are positive or negative.
- 6. Product Reviews
The Company gives users the opportunity to review products displayed on the Website by using text, rating and/or by posting a photo and/or video. In order to have the possibility to review a product, users must be registered on the Website.
The Company takes control measures to ensure that the reviews displayed on the Website come from users who have actually purchased a product. To this end, the reviews posted on the Website, whether negative or positive, must necessarily relate to a transaction by a user who has previously purchased the product. In order to ensure the reliability of user reviews concerning products displayed through the Website, the Company and the administrators of the Website reserve the right to request further information from the user to confirm that the review in question regards a confirmed product purchase. If for any reason and for as long as a review cannot be matched to a verified purchase, such review will be posted but will not be considered for the average rating of the product in question. It should be noted that the above process for ensuring the origin of user reviews is independent of the procedure for managing the content of the review.
Each user has the right to review each product only once (1) per transaction.
By submitting a text and/or by uploading a photo and/or video on the Website, the member grants the Company a non-exclusive, permanent and royalty-free license to reproduce, amend and publish the text, photo and/or video submitted on the Website. At the same time, by submitting text and/or uploading a photo and/or video, the member consents to technical editing and formatting (e.g. cropping or use of "blurring" techniques) of the photo and/or video and to any other type of amendment of the text prior to their posting by the administrators of the Website, in the event that the photo, video and/or review text violates the content posting rules set forth below. In the event that such editing, formatting or modification takes place, the Company will make the necessary changes in order to post the review immediately and then inform the member of the above actions performed, taking every care to preserve the substance of the review as far as possible. Likewise, the aforementioned grant of license to the Company and consent to any technical processing, formatting or other modification applies also in the case of any other image that the member may upload to the Website.
The text of the reviews for each product may summarize the member's experience with that product and his/her observations or evaluative assessment about the product. The review content, photographs and/or video that may accompany the review content must be the intellectual property of the member and must not in any way infringe the personal data of third parties or the intellectual property or any other rights of third parties. Members are solely responsible for the content, photos and videos they send for posting on the Website. The Company reserves the right to remove and delete content/photos/videos that do not comply with the Terms of Use.
In particular, the text of product reviews may not include:
- posting of a link that directly or indirectly redirects users to an online store (regardless of whether it is a partner store of the Company or not)
- any reference to a store (whether it is a partner store of the Company or not)
- reference to the order processing and/or delivery (whether the order was placed via the Website or not)
- posting of information concerning the promotion or commercial advertising of any third party, except for the relevant legal promotional activities organized and supervised by the administrators of the Website and the Company
- posting of information relating to the commercial advertising of any third party or a transaction between members or between members and third parties
- reference to another user or another member's product review
- inappropriate or ironic expressions and characterizations
- content that directly or indirectly refers to software piracy
- Attribution of intention to stores
- Greek text written in non-Greek (greeklish) characters
- text written exclusively in capital letters
- any text not relevant to the review or the product
In addition to the above, in case of uploading a photo and/or video that may accompany product reviews, it is not allowed to:
- depict identifiable faces or other data that may be considered as personal data of the user or other persons
- include pornographic material
- promote the use of violence
- Incite or facilitate the commission of criminal offenses
- οffend public decency (e.g. nudity, indecent gestures)
- depict a different product from the one under review
- indirectly advertise other products shown in the photo and/or video
- disclose political, religious etc. beliefs or other personal data
- include any photo/image/video that is not relevant, in the Company's uncontrolled discretion, to the review or the product
In particular, in the case of a video uploaded by a user in order to present to other users the characteristics of a product in his/her possession more extensively, the content of the video should focus exclusively on the product (and/or accompanying products), on the user's experience with it, as well as on any comments, usage tips or evaluative judgments about the product.
It should be noted that the reviews bearing the special "Confirmed Purchase" marking enable users to easily identify reviews posted by other users who have actually purchased or used the product in accordance with the Company’s internal controls. Reviews that are not marked as "Confirmed Purchase" are reviews that we cannot confirm whether the product was actually purchased or used by the user who posted the relevant review.
In any case, it should be noted that only reviews related to a confirmed purchase, whether positive or negative, are taken into account for the calculation of the average rating of each product.
- 7. Product & product category questions
The Company gives members the opportunity to submit their questions to other users for each product and/or for each product category displayed on the Website. They can even answer other members' questions or comment on other answers. In order to have these opportunities, users must be registered on the Website.
By submitting text to the Website, the member grants the Company a non-exclusive, permanent and royalty-free license to reproduce, amend and publish the text submitted to the Website. At the same time, by submitting text, the Member consents to the amendment of his/her text before its publication by the administrators of the Website, in case the text violates the rules of content posting, as defined below. In the event that such editing needs to take place, the Company shall preserve the substance of the question/response/comment as far as possible. In any case, any text that violates the content posting rules or that in the sole discretion of the Website administrators does not fit with the content of the Website, shall not be published or deleted.
The questions and answers that take place on the Website between users regarding a specific product and/or a specific product category are intended to help each user to choose the product of his/her preference that meets his/her needs and to solve his/her questions regarding a specific product before or even after the purchase of the product.
Members are solely responsible for the content they have submitted for posting on the Website. The Company reserves the right to remove and delete content that is proven to belong to third parties and that has been published in any electronic or printed form.
The Company checks the content published, but does not guarantee the quality and correctness of the answers provided by users, nor adopts the content of the published texts, which expresses the opinion of their editors. It is the responsibility of the user to carefully consider whether to adopt a provided response.
The text may not include:
- Inappropriate or ironic expressions and characterizations
- Questions about product price and availability
- Questions about the progress of an order
- Content that may misinform or mislead other users
- Personal data (full name, phone number, etc.)
- Text exclusively written in capital letters
- Greek text written in non-Greek (greeklish) characters
- Content that refers to software piracy, directly or indirectly
- Posting a link that directly or indirectly redirects users to an online store (regardless of whether it is a Skroutz partner store or not)
- Publication of information concerning the promotion or commercial advertising of any third party, except for the legal relevant promotional activities organized and supervised by the administrators of the Website and the Company
- Advertising of products or services or referral links to any website or service
- Publication of repetitive text or text irrelevant to the content of the Website (spam)
- 8. Final Provisions
The intellectual property of the Website belongs to the Company. Republishing, reproducing, in whole, in part or in summary, or paraphrasing or adapting the content of the Website by any electronic, mechanical or photocopying means, without prior written permission, is prohibited.
Under no circumstances shall the Company, its legal representatives or its employees be liable for any damage, positive or consequential, that its members may suffer as a result of the use of its services, directly or indirectly due to the actions or omissions of its members.
In the event that any dispute arises between the members of the Website, relating to the use of the services in violation of the terms hereof, it is agreed that the Company, its staff and associates shall bear no liability and that the affected user shall bear the sole responsibility to claim against the third party the compensation of any damage.
The services provided through the Website, including the simple search or creation of a membership account, are not addressed to persons under the age of 15. If you are under 15 years of age, you should not use the Website or provide us with any personal data without the necessary parental or guardian authorization. The Company does not knowingly collect or further process data of persons under 15 years of age. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child has provided personal data to the Company, please contact us at [email protected]. Certain services on the Website, such as making purchases through the Shopping Cart and purchasing products addressed to adults (including but not limited to: tobacco products & equivalents, weapons, products containing alcohol, etc.), which are addressed only to persons over the age of 18.
In any case, for any dispute arising between the Company and the visitors or members of the Website, the Courts of the city of Athens shall have jurisdiction and the Greek Law shall be applicable.